DIY Glow Serum With CBD Oil
Some experts claim that the average woman applies over 300 chemicals to her body per day? Over the last few years this statement was something that really motivated me to do the research for the facts.
When I first learned about certain ingredients in products I had used for decades, I felt blindsided. There are an ever-increasing array of personal care products on the market with the insidious ingredients such as fragrance- which can literally mean almost anything. Many of the actual ingredients which can be labeled under the umbrella term "fragrance" actually are known carcinogens, hormone disruptors, and neurotoxins. Don't panic however (which is initially what I did). I gradually decided to take control of whatever I could around me by slowly embarking on a DIY lifestyle. Making my own products has empowered me to limit my exposure to overall ingredients of concern. If you are looking for more information on skin care, ingredients, labels, and toxins that may be a burden to the body, check out the related content section at the end of this post. I use Young Living Essential Oils and DIY so many of my own recipes to replace those harmful chemicals in our lifestyle. One recipe that I use to support my skin is my Glow Serum Roller. I make this beautiful glow roller with essential oils such as Blue Tansy, Frankincense, Myrrh, and combine them with Natures Ultra CBD Oil and rosehip oil to help give the most gorgeous, dewy, soft skin! Each of these essential oils have amazing skin supporting properties and help to brighten as well! Glow Serum Roller Ingredients
How to make Glow Serum Roller
How To Use Your Glow Serum Roller:
For the above recipe, if you use a 5 ml roller bottle then follow these measurements:
If using a 10 ml essential oil roller bottle then:
How to order Nature's Ultra CBD Oil products
Nature’s Ultra is a wholly owned partner. This means that Young Living owns the company, but Nature's Ultra operates independently.
Complement DIY Recipes with Style
Looking for the best Glow Serum labels? There are so many adorable Etsy Shops out there and I personally love supporting small business entrepreneurs. Simply take a look at the many vinyl label collections over on Etsy or from my recommended shops and enjoy the beauty that the labels add to your DIY bottles.
That's It For Today!
As always, if you are new to essential oils and do not have any of your own, consider a premium starter kit from Young Living. This is widely regarded as the simplest way to get started with essential oils. When signing up for your first kit, you will have the opportunity to choose one of our leaders. This is an important step as they will provide you with ongoing support for the lifetime of your Young Living journey at no added cost to you! You can do this simply by visiting the our team page and selecting the individual you would like as your direct upline.
If you haven't gotten to it already, please subscribe below for the latest updates, offers, and promotions exclusive to our essential oil community! Thank you for all of your support. Enjoy... -The Oil Sister *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. Please see our disclaimer. Related Content by The Oil Sister:
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The Oil SisterMy name is Missy and I am the owner of Essentially Well LLC and the primary author of "The Oil Sister". Challenging myself to learn about natural health and wellness has been a life-changing experience for me. I want to share what I have learned with YOU!
Essentially Well LLC © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: All information, content and product descriptions contained within this domain are for reference purposes and are not intended to substitute advice given by a pharmacist, physician or other licensed health care professional. We do not advise you use the information contained within this website, or any other site for treating a health problem or disease or to make a self-diagnosis, without speaking with your doctor. Actual product packaging and materials may contain different information than shown on this website. Contact your health care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding our products have not been evaluated by the FDA. We are not medical professionals and this information is not, in any way, intended to take the place of medical advice. This information located on this website is for educational purposes only and is primarily based off opinions and facts that we have found to be true in our own experience and with research we have gathered from books and online. We are not diagnosing, treating, or prescribing. If you have any health conditions, are on any medications, are being seen by a medical professional for any reason, are elderly, pregnant, nursing, have babies or young children or animals please consult your physician or veterinarian as well. Application of this material is personal choice and in no way is the author responsible for the application of these choices.